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Codice articolo: 33510_GREY
Descrizione in italiano mancante, segue la descrizione originale in inglese: These electro-conductive gloves are perfect for tingling electro sex strokes. The enclosed vinyl gloves need to be worn under the Magic Gloves, in order to isolate the own hands against the electricity.
Then you or your partner can enjoy an erotic massage, whilst the electrical delight always indulges the area which is enclosed by your hands. In that way almost any region of the human body can be stimulated.

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59,99 €
compr. 22% IVA , pi Spedizione
Descrizione in italiano mancante, segue la descrizione originale in inglese: These electro-conductive gloves are perfect for tingling electro sex strokes. The enclosed vinyl gloves need to be worn under the Magic Gloves, in order to isolate the own hands against the electricity.
Then you or your partner can enjoy an erotic massage, whilst the electrical delight always indulges the area which is enclosed by your hands. In that way almost any region of the human body can be stimulated.

Caratteristiche: Ipoallergenico
Peso dell'articolo: 0,19 Kg
Peso in gr.: 190
Ipoallergenico: SI
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