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Artikelnummer: 38543_ASSORT
Kategorie: Fun
Die deutsche Beschreibung ist in Arbeit. Es folgt der englische Originaltext: MOODZZ, maker of the internationally acclaimed erotic game Discover Your Lover, knows how to turn even a simple die into a deliciously erotic instrument: Love Dice! One die contains six stimulating Kama Sutra positions to bring a little playful variation into your love life. The other die suggests six thrilling locations in which to try it out because, truly, there?s a world of excitement waiting beyond the bed. Even the Love Dice package plays a role in your erotic adventure: empty, it becomes a door hanger that keeps potential peeping Toms from barging in on you.
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4,99 €
inkl. 22% USt. , zzgl. Versand
Die deutsche Beschreibung ist in Arbeit. Es folgt der englische Originaltext: MOODZZ, maker of the internationally acclaimed erotic game Discover Your Lover, knows how to turn even a simple die into a deliciously erotic instrument: Love Dice! One die contains six stimulating Kama Sutra positions to bring a little playful variation into your love life. The other die suggests six thrilling locations in which to try it out because, truly, there?s a world of excitement waiting beyond the bed. Even the Love Dice package plays a role in your erotic adventure: empty, it becomes a door hanger that keeps potential peeping Toms from barging in on you.
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